There’s a big problem in the commercial catering sector and that’s badly maintained gas appliances and illegal work carried out by unqualified installers. Here at Logic4training we want this to be dealt with seriously and are in full support of any clamp downs to stop bad practice. With numerous staff and sometimes customers in commercial catering establishments, the risks to human health and even life, are potentially huge. In 2012 Environmental Health inspected curry houses in Woking; 32 premises were inspected, 14 of which alongside a Gas Safe Registered engineer. The findings were not encouraging; three restaurants were closed immediately due to detection of gas leaks with others housing unsafe appliances and appliances in need of repair - a number of enforcement notices were also served. This is an isolated scenario, but one that, in Logic4training’s opinion, should be repeated nationwide. If these more stringent checks are enforced, Gas Safe Registered engineers will be called upon to bring badly maintained equipment up to scratch. If you already work in the commercial catering sector, make sure your customers are fully aware of the correct operation of their equipment and why this is so important. For example, ventilation is crucial. Multiple appliances all going simultaneously produce high-levels of heat, CO and CO2; consequently, a suitable interlock system must also be installed to prevent the appliance’s operation without suitable ventilation. The interlock system is an often ignored or bypassed area as powerful extraction systems consume a fair amount of electricity causing cash-conscious owners to switch them off – a potentially perilous move. For gas engineers interested in entering this area, we provide changeover and up-skill packages, plus Approved Prior Learning programmes for non-gas safe registered candidates but who have some relevant experience – APL acts as a stepping stone onto the ACS scheme. Health and Safety clamps downs, plus a buoyant sector – thanks to Brits holidaying at home and an increase in foreign visitors – means commercial catering could be a great industry to join. For more information about our commercial catering gas courses, click here.  
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