In the week of Earth Day 2024, let’s consider the important role trades people have in supporting a sustainable future.

The UK’s Green Energy commitments are often in the news with facts, figures and dates that can send your head spinning. But, however you cut it, it’s clear that building services engineers (BSE) are going to play an ever-increasing part achieving Net Zero by 2050.  

Logic4training trained over a thousand candidates in renewables last year, including heat pumps, solar photovoltaics and supporting energy efficiency and Low Temperature Heating & Hot Water Design courses. Our courses are designed for existing plumbers, heating installers and electricians.

Solar PV & battery storage

One of our newest courses, Battery Storage, is a great add-on qualification for Solar PV installers in particular. While Electrical Energy Storage Systems (EESS) are becoming more popular – according to MCS installs were up by 707% in March compared to the previous year, with 1,000 installs in just one month – there is still a significant shortfall. There are over 1.3 million homes in the UK fitted with solar panels, but only just over 10,000 of these are fitted with EESS, providing a real opportunity for suitably trained electricians. 

We’re currently offering 50% off our battery storage course when you book with Solar PV.

Heat pumps

Heat pumps have had bad press in recent years, but there’s been a recent redressing of the balance and the public is beginning to see that, for most homes in the UK, they offer a great sustainable alternative to gas and oil boilers. Government grants have helped many heating engineers with money towards the cost of their heat pump training, which illustrates its commitment to training up the necessary workforce to install the numbers of heat pumps required to help it meet its green energy pledges. There are also financial incentives to help homeowners with the cost of installation, which has helped speed up the take-up. 

Electric vehicles

When it comes to electric vehicles, while take-up is steady, the UK’s charging network is still too limited. Electrician’s have the skills we need to up-scale the provision of EV charging points across the country and help provide the network needed to make EVs a solution for everybody. Zap-Map states that there are currently 59,590 electric vehicle charging points across the UK, across 32,322 sites. These serve an estimated 975,000 electric cars and 590,000 plug-in hybrids on the road (as of the end of 2023). 

From 2024 onwards, EV charging points are a standard addition to all new build houses with an associated car parking space, creating even more job opportunities for suitably trained electricians.

Help the UK go green

If you would like to get involved in helping the UK switch to greener energy provision, then get in touch and we’ll help you decide where you can best fit in. Please take a look at our full range of renewables training courses.

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