£230 + VAT £230 + VAT 1 day Experienced Level Call now

Logic4training’s Legionella Prevention and Water Treatment Managers course is for those with a responsibility to oversee and plan the safe installation, control and maintenance of water systems within residential properties.

If you are an installer who works on residential water supply systems, please see our Legionella Prevention and Water Treatment Operatives course.

Logic4training’s Legionella Prevention and Water Treatment Managers course is for those with a responsibility to oversee and plan the safe installation, control and maintenance of water systems within residential properties.

This could include:

  • Local authorities
  • Housing associations
  • Managing agents
  • Landlords

With the increased publicity surrounding recent outbreaks of Legionnaires, effective water treatment, including hot & cold water supply systems, is of paramount importance to property managers.

The course focuses in particular on the risk assessment process and will enable candidates to understand the requirements of the ACOP document L8, HSE guidance, British Standards and Water Regulations.

We also deliver a legionella prevention course for installers.