With the sudden hot weather making many of us head for the great outdoors, the Gas Safe Register has issued a warning about the dangers of BBQ's. In the last year in UK campsites, seven Brits have died from carbon monoxide poisoning and seventeen have been injured by bringing BBQ's inside tents and enclosed spaces. The Gas Safe Register has issued guidelines to keep campers happy while enjoying the great outdoors in a risk free environment. Make sure your customers stick to the advice below to avoid anymore fatalities this summer. Never take a smouldering or lit BBQ into a tent, caravan or cabin. Even if you have finished cooking your BBQ should remain outside as it will still give off fumes for some hours after use
  • Never use a BBQ inside to keep you warm
  • Never leave a lit BBQ unattended or while sleeping
  • Place your cooking area well away from your tent. Always ensure there is an adequate supply of fresh air in the area where the BBQ is being used
  • Only use your BBQ in accordance with the operating instructions
  • Remember the signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning – headaches, dizziness, breathlessness, nausea, collapse and loss of consciousness.
If you’re using a gas BBQ or gas camping equipment follow these extra tips to help you stay safe:
  • Check that the appliance is in good order, undamaged and that hoses are properly attached and undamaged. If in doubt get the hoses replaced or don’t use it
  • Make sure the gas taps are turned off before changing the gas cylinder and do it in the open air
  • Don’t over-tighten joints
  • When you have finished cooking, turn off the gas cylinder before you turn off the BBQ controls – this means any gas in the pipeline will be used up
  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions about how to check for gas escapes from hoses or pipe work, e.g. brushing leak detection solution around all joints and looking for bubbles
  • Never take a gas stove, light or heater into a tent, caravan or cabin.
With an increase in camping, caravanning and boating at this time of year it can be a busy time for LPG installers. Make sure your qualifications are up to date: https://www.logic4training.co.uk/gas-courses/LPG-Training-Courses
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